The Chinese New Year will begin on February 3, 2011. According to the Chinese zodiac calendar, 2011 will be the Year of the Rabbit. The rabbit is a lucky symbol and brings in a year of peace and tranquility. After much of the turmoil from 2010, which was the ferocious year of the Tiger, this is most welcomed. Peace and serenity are expected to emerge in all facets of life - internationally and at home.
Rabbits are characterized with graciousness, good manners, sound counsel, kindness and sensitivity to beauty. Rabbit are gentle, graceful creatures that appreciate the beauty and wonder of the natural world. There is a pervading calmness in personality; rabbits are oftentimes at peace with the world and themselves. In Chinese mythology, the rabbit is the emblem of longevity.
Perhaps one of the most iconic rabbits in literature is the White Rabbit from the celebrated children's book "Alice in Wonderland." As the White Rabbit frantically runs to his late appointment with the Queen of Hearts, he seems to possess the absolute opposite characteristics of nervousness and discord (vs. the calm and serene traits defined by the Chinese zodiac calender). Nevertheless, the White Rabbit endears us just the same as he is the catalyst that starts Alice's amazing adventure through the rabbit hole.
The White Rabbit, Queen of Hearts, Cheshire Cat, Mad Hatter, and Alice herself are breathed new life in an enchanting Tarina Tarantino Alice In Wonderland jewelry line filled with color, sparkle, and whimsy. The Queen Alice by Tarina Tarantino collection is inspired by the vintage "Alice in Wonderland" illustrations, lending it a wonderful vintage feel that will draw you into the magical world of this childhood classic!
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